YMCA Survivor

February 15th, 2018 by

At the beginning of each year, many people want to be healthier and better. While their intentions are good it seems that these new year resolutions fail to last more than a couple of weeks. People start each year with a new passion and quickly learn that it takes more than just passion, but it also takes determination and accountability. Did you know that there is a program in place that actually helps you with that? It is the YMCA Survivor Event.

The program starts in January and runs through April. It allows people the chance to work with others that have the same passion as them, to be healthier. With people working together it is a lot easier to maintain that new year’s resolution. The way it works is that it encourages people to exercise an increasing number of minutes each week, with the end result being 6 hours a week.

At the end of the event, there is a massive celebration at the KC Summers Toyota building with prizes and awards for all of those that have completed the course. So while it may be a little late this year for you to join remember to keep this in mind for next year when you decide you want to be healthier. Remember this is just one of many ways the YMCA helps. Feel free to look at all of their programs for wellness!

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